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A little about our history...

Breaking Ground for Great Northwest Anim

In 1980, Dr. John Johnson broke ground on Great Northwest Animal Hospital.  At this time, Culebra was little more than a farm road and the land surrounding the build site was mostly pasture. 

Great Northwest Animal  Hospital with new shopping center

The small 2000 square foot building was expanded to 7300 square feet in 1985. The building had room for three additional tenants. 

Dr. Johnson and Drs. Wright signing over practice

The practice was sold to husband and wife veterinarians, Drs. Travis and Michele Wright. 

Great Nortwest Animal Hospital Remodel

The tenant spaces in the Great Northwest Animal Hospital building were demolished to build a brand new hospital capable of holding more doctors and exam rooms. 





Continued growth of the practice demands the need for a 4th full time doctor to be brought on staff. 






Dr. Megan Arroyo
Dr. Travis Wright
Dr. Michele Wright
Dr. Loretta Ehrlund


In 1981, the doors opened for the first time. Great Northwest Animal Hospital was in a much smaller building than it resides in today. 

Great Northwest Animal Hospital 1980

Dr. Johnson, seen working to the right, grew the practice to the point that a second associate doctor was added. 

Dr. Johnson at desk in 1980s

Drs. Travis and Michele Wright purchased the neighboring practice, Heritage Veterinary Medical Center. 

Heritage Veterinary Medical Center

The new Great Northwest Animal Hospital opened in March of 2018. We also welcomed in Dr. Loretta Ehrlund and Heritage Veterinary Medical Center as the practices were merged together.

Great Northwest Animal Hospital Remodel Complete

Dr. Ciera Johnston joined our healthcare team.

Ciera Johnston_edited.jpg

Great Northwest Animal Hospital

8843 Grissom Road, Ste 101

San Antonio, TX 78251

Phone: 210-681-4278

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